Business Monthly accepts submissions on any topic related to the industries featured on this website. All submissions are reviewed and, if accepted, the editors will contact you for further steps.
Articles are typically between 500-1,200 words, but submissions of different lengths will also be considered, depending on the issue discussed.
Submission guidelines
If you are interested in writing for Business Monthly, please email: and follow the steps below.
1. A summary of your idea and how Business Monthly’s audience would benefit from it.
2. Include your suggested structure, the possible experts you plan on interviewing, and whether you will secure needed photos for the feature.
3. If you wish to submit a draft of your article instead of a pitch, please make sure your article is in .doc format.
4. All features are published with the name and photo of their writers, please include yours in your submission email.
5. Please make sure that your idea hasn’t been tackled by our editors in the previous six months. If it has, please explain how your particular pitch differs from the features already published.
Business Monthly only accepts original articles that have been developed for the publication.
Business Monthly prohibits any republishing of material approved for its website. You may only withdraw an article before it is published on our website or the print publication.