Backed by strong legislative reforms and an improving macroeconomy, Egypt’s financial sector holds a treasure chest of opportunities. The latest edition of AmCham Egypt’s Financial Services Industry Insight looks at all aspects of the sector from banks to insurance to the capital markets, and more.
The issue starts with a look at the macroeconomic progress of the past three years, with the latest data from Egypt’s economic turnaround, an assessment of potential challenges and the reform plan going forward. This is followed by a chapter on the insurance sector’s growing potential and a third chapter covering the key drivers behind the banking sector’s expanding investment. Chapters four and five offer updates on the closely related topics of financial inclusion and fintech, detailing the role of retail lending, e-banking and non-banking channels in drawing more consumers and SMEs into the financial system. Finally, chapter six has the latest on trends in the stock market, with a special look at private equity and Egypt’s new sovereign wealth fund.
To read the report online, please click here
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